Welcome !! home/news
APRIL 2024With my tributeband Meatallica, we're now joining https://thetributeagency.nl/ This is our tour for 2024.... more gigs coming soon!!!
Hello, it's me again..... I hope you're all doing well, in these crazy times. It's been 2 years ago, since I did my last update. I joined another new band called REBELSTAR, it's a Dutch hardrock band and we are recording our new CD at this moment. A new single is released this fall 'Fast and Furious'. You can listen it here
Another new adventure; I started a Heart Tribute band with my ex-666 'The Nightmare' leadsinger Debby Zimmerman. She can do the Ann Wilson vocals easily and is a huge Heart fan. Please check this band!!!!
A new adverture; I joined the upcoming Metallica tributeband "MetalmaniA' and take care of the lead parts! A lot of shows are coming up. Please check the Gigs section.
MAY 2018 |
Proudly I present to you; The 'X-mass in Hell' tour, featuring X-tinXion..... whoop whoop!!!! \m/ | |||||
MARCH 2017 |
Some great shows are coming up for X-tinXion, supporting Flotsam and Jetsam on the 31th of March, and Death Angel on the 6th of August!!!
JULY 2016 |
I proudly present to you, the new X-tinXion album: 'From the ashes of eden'. Go to x-tinxion.com for your copy!
JULY 2014
Well, check this out... I'm gonna do a tour with the original Anthrax singer Neil Turbin!!! Please check the tour dates below |
APRIL 2014
A lot of new gigs are added to the gigs section. I also play with 5150 and 666 on the Dijkrock festival this month!
JANUARY 2014Happy new year!!! I've updated the gig section and also added the event below....
Be there, it's gonna be fun!!!!!!
APRIL 2013
This month, X-tinXion will record three new songs with their new line-up. Keep in touch with my Face Book page for updates about the recordings. I will also do a second gig with Uriah Heep on the 2th of May in Gebouw.T. This time I will perform with my glamrock horrorband 666.
MARCH 2013
On the 19th of march, Van Halen tributeband '5150' will support Uriah Heep on their European tour 2013....
be there!!!
On the 9th of december I will do a Van Halen Tribute in Cafe 't Slik in Bergen op Zoom. Be there!!!
On the 3th of november I will join my old friends of Electrica with their gig on the 'Women in Rock' festival in Tholen. You can find more Electrica gigs on the Gigs section.
Sometimes things can go terribly wrong.... We had a gig with 666 "The Nightmare" on the Dicky Woodstock festival on august the 4th, when mother nature struck back. Read and see more about that on the links below.
BN/De stem interview (with NOS fragments etc.)
MAY 2012
666 "The Nightmare" will be the supportact of Mother's Finest (USA) during their gig @ Gebouw-T in Bergen op Zoom. More info on Gebouw-T.
Happy new year to everyone. X-tinXion has received some nice reviews of the Channel Zero en Benedictum shows. You can read it on Muziek.nl and Lordsofmetal.nl
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Wacken 2011 was awesome!!! We had a great time in Germany, the crowd really kicked our asses... I uploaded more photos on the pics section. In the next months, X-tinXion will be supporting some great bands like Channel Zero (Gebouw-T), Benedictum (Rock Temple), Dead Head (Little Devil). Check the gig section for exact dates.
It's coming closer!!! On the 4th of August, X-tinXion will play on the W.E.T stage at Wacken Open Air festival in Germany. For more information en time schedules; Wacken and X-tinXion
JUNE 2011
On the first of July, 666 "The Nightmare" will release their DVD "Ten years of Hell" in Cafe 't Slik in Bergen op Zoom. Please visit the 666 site for more details.
MAY 2011
Hell yeahhhhhh, X-tinxion won the contest of the WOA 2011 'Metal Battle' and will represent the Netherlands on the finals at the Wacken open air festival in Germany. More info on Wacken
APRIL 2011 |
One Day Flies will be the afterparty act on the "Brabantse wal" festival in Hoogerheide (29-04-2011). Other acts will be Nick en Simon and Slipper. The evening starts at 20.00 o'clock. More info on PrimeraPop
MARCH 2011 |
X-tinxion has been selected to participate on the Wacken Metal Battle finals (NL) on the 8th of May 2011 I have upgrated my gear section with a lot of new stuff.
We have had a great time during the 666 "The Nightmare" anniversary gig at Gebouw-T in Bergen op Zoom. We will start editting and mixing the DVD this week. The release of the DVD will probably be in april. Keep checking this site for updates! Also visit the pics section for impressions of this anniversary gig.
JANUARY 2011 |
JANUARY 2011 |
Hey there, best wishes for 2011!!!
April 2010 |
Some X-tinXion and 666 "The Nightmare" news!!!
February 2010 |
November 2009 |
On the 8th of December, 666 "The Nightmare" will be the supportact of Alice Cooper, during his single performance in Holland in the Rodahal in Kerkrade. Please visit "rodahal.nl" for more information or tickets!!!
September 2009 |
I've uploaded a lot of old and new vids on Youtube, please follow the link and you will find them all! "Conrad Hultermans vids"
November 2008 |
I have received the first review of my second EP "Infinity", more reviews will come in the next months! Cd-Review "Marios Metal Mania". This Conrad Hultermans, born in 1974, started playing the guitar at the age of 17. During the years, he got influenced by guitarists like Steve Morse, Vinnie Moore, Alex Skolnick, Steve Lukather, John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert and Marcel Coenen. Conrad played different kinds of musicstyles and played in several bands during the past and present. Besides playing in some bands, Conrad is also focussing on instrumental songs. In 2004 he already released his first solo EP, "Inner". And this year he has released his second EP, "Infinity", once again with 4 tracks. Opener "Loose Change" is the most heavy, almost thrashy song on this EP. It sounds like a Michael Angelo-Alex Skolnick-80's Shrapnel guitar hero song. Heavy & thrashy, but played with a lot of melody also. The following songs "Everlasting Love" and "Let It Breathe" are more melodic, almost dreamy songs, with beautiful guitar playing from Conrad. And the last, and most emotional song, "New Life" was written for his nephew. It's a good example of inspiration for ,his songs ; reflections and experiences which had a certain impact in his life. Most of his songs on "Infinity" reminds me of an emotional guitarist like Satriani, but on the other hand, there are also influences from shred guitarists like Michael Angelo Batio. But he always plays with a lot of melody and emotion!
September 2008 |
....."Welcome to the Nightmare"!!!!
April 2008 |
On april 18th, I will release my new EP called "Infinity" in the Musicstore De Waterput in Bergen op Zoom. The party starts at 19.00!! I will play all songs with a MD player and explain some techniques, scales, influences etc. in which I use in the songs. You can find more information on their site.
December 2007 |
Hell Yeahhhhhhhhhhh,
October 2007 |
"A new chapter"
June 2007 |
Hey folks,
February 2007 |
X-tinxion will play at the Borstrock qualifying rounds on March 4th. If they win, they earn a place on the Borstrock festival! Other bands that will play are FUSZ, Dear Mom, Barracuda and Tenk. The qualifying round starts at 14.00, and at 20.00 the winner will be announced. The entrance is FREE!
January 2007 |
I’ve uploaded a new song called “ New Life ”, which is written especially for my nephew Nels. This song will be on my upcoming soloCD!!
December 2006 |
Things are going well for X-tinXion! We won the Metalround of the "Kleine prijs van Dordt" KpvD, on 27th of april 2007 we will join the finals in Dordrecht. X-tinXion has also been selected by the "Aardschok luisterpanel" for the Metalbash.
July 2006 |
Welcome to my new website, which is made by my dear friend Tim Wolvetang "Mitrumothy". He did an excellent job by making the site more compact and surveyable.
January 2006 |
Hello everyone,
Jul 2005 |
This fall I will be recording new stuff for my first full-length instrumental solo CD.
April 2005 |
January 2005 |
Here you have my first 3 reviews of the "Inner" EP..... This Dutch guitarist is playing guitar since 10 years. He has played in several bands in the past, and for the moment he plays in a thrash and a rock/metal cover band. He also has played a lot of different music styles such as Rock, Metal and even Jazz. After 10 years of playing the guitar, he thought it was time to release an instrumental solo release. Cd-Review "Zware metalen". Zo dan, hier hebben we te maken met een solo EP "Inner" van onze eigeste echte forummer Ratje, en wat voor een EP!!! De 4 nummers zijn van een dermate schoonheid dat elke gitaarmuziek liefhebber hier wel pap van zal lusten. Het is een instrumentale EP geworden die bomvol staat van fantastisch gitaar soleer geweld. De fantastische opener "Song For Alex" kent een heerlijke riff met daaroverheen een schitterende melodielijn, die mij tot het meefluiten bracht. Je moet het maar kunnen, zo'n pakkende melodie verzinnen. In het nummer "Summer In Your Eyes" laat Conrad zien dat ie vlugge vingers heeft en vliegt hij over het fretbord en laat hij elke noot klinken zoals die hoort te zijn. De gitaarsound tijdens de solos is prachtig, zo wil ik menig gitarist zijn effecten pedaal wel afgestemd horen staan. Het meest "agressieve" nummer van deze EP is het nummer "9/11". enige is wel dat ik de riff van dit nummer erg vind lijken op de riff uit het eerste nummer, maar goed een kniesoor die daar op let. Ook dit nummer is doorspekt met soleerwerk. heerlijk. Het laatste nummer van deze EP "Memories" is opgedragen aan de oma van Conrad. Dit betekent een zeer gevoelig rustig ballad achtig nummer wat laat zien dat Conrad ook bij het langzamere werk prima uit de voeten kan (of moet ik zeggen: prima uit de vingers kan...?). Een woord wil ik me eigenlijk niet in de mond halen over deze plaat maar ik genoodzaakt dat als kritisch recensent wel te doen. Dat is het enige minpunt van deze EP, waarover ik dus maar een woord kan zeggen en dat is: Drumcomputer... Meer zeg ik niet want het is het gezien de kwaliteit van deze solo EP niet waard. zwaremetalen.com Cd-Review "Lords of metal". Ralph: De Nederlandse gitarist Conrad Hultermans brengt met 'Inner' zijn eerste solo EP op de markt. Naast het volspelen van dit, volledig instrumentale, schijfje is Hultermans ook nog actief in de thrash metal formatie X-tinXion en de cover band Metal Studs. Helaas voor Hultermans liggen de gloriedagen van dit soort instrumentale projecten van zogeheten supergitaristen ver achter ons, want 'Inner' had in deze periode niet misstaan. Sfeervolle composities kenmerken 'Inner'. 'Song For Alex' en 'Summer In Your Eyes' zitten uiteraard vol met solo's in alle soorten en maten maar kennen ook stuwende riffs en herkenbare thema's. 'Inner' doet me nog het meest denken aan Vinnie Moore's solowerk, als we dan toch een vergelijking moeten maken. Minpunt vind ik toch het duidelijke gebruik van een drumcomputer. Zowel het geluid als de programmering doen onder voor een echte drummer, maar om nu te zeggen dat het overheersend irritant is; nee. Voor Conrad is dit een mooie manier om dit soort inspiratie aan CD toe te vertrouwen en de bands waarin hij speelt hebben er een uitstekend gitarist aan hem. Een relaxte EP waar af en toe wat vuurwerk inzit.Score: 78/100 lordsofmetal.nl
Oct. 2004 |
A lot has happened in the last few months, I changed some gear, my solo EP came out and finally, I started with some new bands!!!
July 2004 |
You can now listen to a new song from my forthcoming solo EP "Inner".
Mar 2004 |
There are some samples from the debutCD of Vintage which you can listen already, follow the link HERE >> .
December 2003 |
Although I've recorded a new CDemo with Gallowmere, we decided to change our musical directions.We also stopped co-operating with our female-singer.
October 2003 |
I will join a guitar contest of the Sena Guitars Awards on the 19th of October in Breda I added a videoclip of my hardrockband "Vintage" to the music section.
April 2003 |
I've won a contest with my rockband Vintage, at the Dijkrock festival...We will be added on the line-up of bands on the mainstage, next year.
Mar 2003 |
On the first of June , I will be playing with Vintage on
February 2003 |
My Biography has been rewritten by MB Marduk. ( thanks dude, well I owe you a lot of beer, hahahaha.) Soon, I will put a new song on my site, this song is called "Memories" and it's a ballad
February 2003 |
conradhultermans.com The launching of the guitarsite is finally a fact . I hope you enjoy it and can find everything you wanted to know about me. If you have any comments please mail the webmaster If you don't have the free "macromedia flash player" and you don't see the menu on the left you should download it at macromedia or else you can use the menu on top of this page . Scroll down for the latest news.
Oct 2002 |
All rights of the owner of the artwork, music and pictures on this site reserved. Unauthorised copying, publication of these works prohibited. © Copyrights 2003 ConradHultermans.com |